«my W o r d ! I positively love eating a gorgeous Pussy for generally longer than she'll allow. Wondering if she is undergoing training on Edging Lol I believe she to be better prepared than he. I'd SquirtinlY compete in any sexually themed with anyone prepared or poised for progress, because Edging can sink you fast if you break concentration... even more difficult when practicing with added difficulty of partnering uP, yaknow someone on each end of competitor increasing mental and physical . . . Great Sport !»
«my W o r d !
I positively love eating a gorgeous Pussy for generally longer than she'll allow. Wondering if she is undergoing training on Edging Lol I believe she to be better prepared than he. I'd SquirtinlY compete in any sexually themed with anyone prepared or poised for progress, because Edging can sink you fast if you break concentration... even more difficult when practicing with added difficulty of partnering uP, yaknow someone on each end of competitor increasing mental and physical . . . Great Sport !»